Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FEAR Mongering re social security - not healthcare.

Below is my response to an email petition I  refused to sign with 900+ signatures already --  the core of the petition was:
Dear Mr. President: 
> >  We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate voted on recently which would allow illegal aliens to access our Social Security. [FALSE - SEE BELOW]  We demand that you and all Congressional representatives require citizenship as a pre-requisite for social services in the United States . 
>We further demand that there not be any amnesty given to illegal aliens, NO free services, no funding, no payments to and for illegal immigrants
Please see this website before sending this stuff anywhere else and no I won't sign it or pass it on. 
 as for me, I acknowledge that there are some people here without papers who don't work and benefit from services.  The issue is not simple. But  I don't think undocumented workers are the problem with our economy or with social security.  I emphasize workers lest we all forget that many (if not most) of these people,  are those who cross the border to do the work that no one in the U.S. will do for the wages they're paid.  And that theses workers are paid these low wages without benefits by thousands and thousands of business owners and individuals .   It's so easy during hard times to zero in on a scapegoat population in our midst and foment suspicion.   HOw many times in human history have we seen this?  We all benefit from this  false economy on which our lifestyle is based.  We are all co-opted.  Ever wonder what our economy would be like if none of them came back to work?  who is it exactly that  would do all those jobs, and for those wages?  I share these thoughts because I have to remind myself of the larger truth -- particularly when I feel fear and prejudice being triggered inside of myself, when I feel myself losing touch with my own humanity.  Regrettably, I'm still as vulnerable as the next person.

Jady Montgomery


The U.S. Senate has Voted to Give Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens---Even Though They Have Not Paid Into It-Fiction!

Summary of the eRumor:  
A couple of these are circulating, both in the form of petitions.

One says that the U.S. Senate has voted to allow illegal aliens to collect on Social Security even though they have not paid into the Social Security System.

Another is an internet petition originated by Californians that is to be sent to President Bush, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and several members of Congress from California.  It says that the U.S. Senate voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants and protests it..  It asks that citizenship be required for eligibility for Social Services, that no free services or funding be given to illegal immigrants, and that no college education be provided free to illegals either.
The Truth:  
First, Internet petitions have, so far, been of limited or no value.  They do not bear the same weight of signed petitions since anybody who wants to take the time could generate them and just make up the names.  These petitions also depend on someone to ultimately send them to the right addresses, which is not a reliable way to get them there.  

Second, let's look at each of the issues in the eRumors.

The Senate Vote on Social Security that generated this petition was in May, 2006. The effect of that vote was to allow language in other legislation on the issue to proceed.  It would not have granted Social Security benefits to all illegal aliens but it would have allowed illegal aliens who had already paid into Social Security to accrue the benefits of their contributions.  The Senate went on to pass a controversial immigration bill but it differed greatly from a version passed in the House of Representatives.

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